
Immigrants or criminals?

Posted in Personal Topics, World at 4:16 pm by Tomas

Most folks in the United States are historically recent immigrants.

Their families arrived from many places around the world over just the past few hundred years.

Looking at more recent times – let’s say, oh, the last 100 years, there have been rules to follow, conditions to be met, to enter most ANY country legally. The United States has such laws.

Today there are many recent immigrants demonstrating on the streets of the United States. Some of them are quite legitimate “legal” immigrants, who followed the rules, and some of them are “illegal” immigrants who’s very first action on entering the United States was to break federal laws.

“Illegal immigrants” are not even “immigrants” they are “illegal aliens.” I will use the correct term in the rest of this post. (As opposed to most of the national media covering the demonstrations today.)

When my ancestors came to this country, about a hundred years ago, they got permission, followed the rules, learned the language, became citizens, and did their best to blend in, to become an integral part of the society and culture they chose to migrate to.

(Sadly many of today’s immigrants refuse to even try to blend in, to become a part of this society and culture. They don’t even learn the language of their new country.)

The folks demonstrating today are doing so with the clearly declared goal of disrupting the functioning of the country and hurting the economics of as many businesses as they can to get their ‘rights’ recognized.

Even ignoring the fact that some are carrying flags of foreign nations where such demonstrations would not be allowed (and would be met with a military response), these are for the most part foreign nationals intent on injuring the United States with their actions today.

I have no objection to immigrants coming to this country and becoming a part of it – so long as they do so legally. I, myself, come from immigrant stock.

Do we have a “right” to keep people out of the United States? Yes we do. All countries do. The United States is a country that has always welcomed immigrants that followed our rules – and rejected those who intentionally subverted them.

Illegal aliens only “rights” are to be treated fairly as we eject them back to their own countries.

I guess my bottom line is that my objection is to illegal aliens – the foreign invaders currently marching on our streets in the millions – demanding a ‘path to citizenship’ and ‘health care’ and ‘free schooling’ and all sorts of “rights” that THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE AS PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY.

There is already a ‘path to citizenship’ for aliens, a path to all those marvelous rights: LEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Legal immigrants have by our laws the right to most everything any citizen does.

Illegal aliens do NOT deserve those “rights.”

Last year nearly 8,200 illegal aliens PER DAY poured across our southern border with Mexico and hid themselves in the cracks and crevices of our society. Think about that. Nearly ten thousand each and every day that came across the border illegally and stayed. That does not even count the number who went, or were sent, back where they came from.

Should millions of foreign nationals purposely disrupting the basic functioning of our country be viewed as “OK” or should that be viewed as an attack on our country?

Either way, what “rights” do you want to give to the millions of illegal aliens (just another term for criminal, since their first act, entering the country illegally, broke laws and made them criminals)?

Legal immigrants deserve, and receive, many rights. Illegal aliens should only have the right to be ejected.

Most legal immigrants work hard to become a part of this society. Illegal aliens want shortcuts.


PS: We also need a law declaring ENGLISH as the official language of the United States. When I walk into a business I want to be able to speak in English and be understood. (At least I don’t demand they speak Polish, my family’s language.)

So many immigrants today do not view the US as a ‘melting pot’ made stronger and more vibrant because we all bring our backgrounds and blend them with all the others, but as a place where they can keep to their ways and languages, even their own laws, and ignore the culture and society they chose to be in.

That is NOT what makes us strong. Not at all.

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